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Steroids définition


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Steroids définition

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In most cases where PSA at least doubled 22 25 , the maximum serum PSA value was still, steroids définition.. Well, back in 1951, testosterone cypionate was introduced into the medical community as a prescription drug under the name of Depo-Testosterone. Since the 50s, cypionate has been known by several other brand names including Depovirin , Durandro , and Duratest. Unlike the test cyp of today, the original Depo-Testosterone was used for more than just curing low testosterone production issues. Doctors were also prescribing it for the following, steroids définition.

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Steroids définition, douleur après injection steroide


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Keep away from direct sunlight, steroids définition. Your doctor may occasionally change your dose, . Use the medicine exactly as directed. Testosterone is usually taken 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening. Follow your doctor s dosing instructions very carefully. Always take this medicine with food..